
UniBs Energy Technology Group

Welcome to our website!

The Energy Technology Group at University of Brescia (ERGO) welcome you in its website. 

Here you can find information about our main research topics, staff, scientific publications, latest news, proposed thesis and our didactic activities. 


The ERGO Team

latest news

ERGO at the Seville Forum on Machinery for Decarbonization

Papers from MACBETH Project

Vladimir at the "PhD Corner"

6th DESOLINATION Project meeting in Florence (ITA)

Techno-economic optimization of traditional, hybrid and advanced systems for power generation. Developments of tools for energy system components simulation 

Fluid test laboratory: an infrastracture for the experimental investigation of pure fluids or mixtures thermal stability

Analysis of hydrogen production systems from renewable energy sources (RES) and application for the energy transition

Electric vehicles with battery and/or hydrogen power train: modelling tools and well to wheel analysis. Study of the green fuels production chain.